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Dell Compellent Network Storage Software
Enterprise Data Management Software

Fluid Data technology empowers organizations to move beyond simply storing data to actively managing data. Built-in intelligence and automation optimize the storage environment, and every advanced enterprise feature is fully integrated for optimum efficiency, flexibility and performance.

Dell Compellent Fluid Data technology virtualizes storage at the disk level, accelerating data access by spreading read/write operations across drives so multiple requests are processed in parallel. You can create high-performance, ultraefficient virtual volumes in seconds without allocating drives to specific servers, complicated capacity planning or manual performance tuning. Remove the limitations of physical drives and dynamically change and scale your virtualized pool without disruption or downtime.

Software Map

Compellent Storage Software

Compellent Software Suite

Compellent Software Suite

With an integrated software feature set, Dell Compellent enables enterprises of all sizes to move beyond simply storing data to actively, intelligently managing data. Powerful storage software with built-in automation optimizes the provisioning, placement and protection of data throughout its lifecycle.

  • Built from the ground up to manage data differently
  • Deliver better performance with less hardware
  • Drive down the total cost of storage
  • Maximize storage utilization
  • Protect data against downtime and disaster
  • Provide dynamic business continuity
  • Including Dynamic Capacity, Data Progression, Data Instant Replay, Remote Instant Replay & Live Volume

Compellent Management Suite

Compellent Management Suite

Managing complex storage tasks like replication and capacity planning for multi-terabyte SANs at multiple locations with more than one interface can be challenging.

  • Manage storage with an intuitive interface
  • Simplify multi-site administration with Enterprise Manager
  • Streamline disaster recovery and maximize bandwidth
  • Assign costs to storage and chargeback appropriate departments
  • Illustrate your innovation with boardroomready reports
  • Maintain data continuity for live Windows Server applications
  • Automate your data center
  • Including Unified Storage Management Interface, Enterprise Manager & Replay Manager

Compellent Software

Dell Compellent enables enterprises of all sizes to move beyond simply storing data to actively, intelligently managing data. Powerful network storage software with built-in intelligence and automated storage management functions optimizes the provisioning, placement and protection of enterprise data throughout its lifecycle.

Compellent Network Storage Software

Storage Virtualization

Storage Virtualization

Dell Compellent enables virtualized enterprise storage at the disk level, creating a dynamic pool of shared storage resources available to all servers.

Dynamic Capacity

Dynamic Capacity

Dell Compellent Thin Provisioning delivers the highest enterprise storage utilization possible by eliminating pre-allocated but unused capacity.

Data Progression

Data Progression

Dell Compellent Fluid Data storage dynamically moves enterprise data to the optimal storage tier based on actual use.

Fast Track

Fast Track

Dell Compellent Fast Track technology enhances Automated Tiered Storage by dynamically placing the most frequently accessed data on the fastest, or outer, tracks of each drive.

Data Instant Replay

Data Instant Replay

Dell Compellent network storage delivers continuous data protection using space-efficient snapshots called Replays. 

Remote Instant Replay

Remote Instant Replay

Remote Instant Replay leverages space-efficient snapshots between local and remote sites for cost-effective disaster recovery and business continuity.

Server Instant Replay

Server Instant Replay

Dell Compellent Server Instant Replay is a complete Boot from SAN solution that leverages space-efficient snapshots to simplify physical and virtual server management.

Replay Manager

Replay Manager

Dell Compellent Replay Manager is powerful snapshot consistency software that integrates with Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to ensure the integrity of Exchange Server, SQL Server and Hyper-V data.

Live Volume

Live Volume

Live Volume acts as a storage hypervisor, actively mapping one volume to two Dell Compellent arrays at the same time.

Enterprise Manager

Enterprise Manager

Dell Compellent Enterprise Manager simplifies network storage management by providing a single, centralized console for the administration of multiple local and remote Storage Center SANs.